The moral virtue in Islam

Islam is a religion that brings eternal truth, and none of his teachings violate social rules, either man's relationship with God, and man's relationship with the man himself.

in Islam, the Prophet Muhammad. has taught us how we are to live well, namely with mempratikkan things he ever done in his life. as already said in the Hadith of the Prophet:

إنَّÙ…َا بُعِØ«ْتُ Ù„ِØ£ُ تَÙ…ِّÙ…َ Ù…َÙƒَارِÙ…َ الْØ£َ Ø®ْÙ„َاقِ
wich means :

"Look, I was sent into this world only to improve human morals".

morality is the basic thing we have to learn and resume practicing in our daily lives, because of good morals will malahirkan soulless humans clean and pure heart. with good morals we can live in peace in the community, and all the people who are around us will feel happy with where we are in the midst of them. in the discussion of this character, a lot of things that will be discussed in accordance with their respective titles, but this time the author will try to discuss the general moral sense, which then Hopefully will be followed by other discussions.

morality born of the human soul which then will shine through the human behavior in everyday life, the better one's introspection Theirselves, then that person will be aware of the mistakes in the past that then naturally he will transform itself into a much more well and try not to do the same thing in the future. because according to wisewords "donkey will not fall into the same hole twice".

the moral virtue in Islam, as well as the human relationship to nature, we have much to learn from nature, and we also have to have a certain good with nature, because nature will give you a reply in accordance with our morals on their own (natural). as an example. if society to care for the environment around them, and routinely make mutual assistance in the community to clean up the environment and do not throw garbage into the river at random, the environment certainly will give us comfort and tranquility away from the source of the disease, because we often clean it. but on the contrary, if we are not friendly to the environment and never treat them and littering or to the river, then the environment will be a source of disease and may contribute to flooding, which then would be troubling our own. therefore morals to the environment is also very important in Islam.

so the conclusion is, morality is the most important thing in life is the basis which will bring people to a better direction in accordance with the demands of the Prophet Muhammad

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