Coverage unseen in the Quran

Invisibility is something unknown, not real or a hidden. If you keep something in your pocket, or know something that is not known by someone then it is something magical for others, but not for you. One time when inside your pocket or your mind it is known by those who do not know this before, then when it's what is in your pocket or your mind no longer is something magical for them.

 There are many things that can not be known man in this life, for example, when the Day of Judgement, or when the coming of death. It seems that the supernatural was stratified, there are relative, in the sense that it is magical for someone but not to others, or at certain times of the unseen but not at other times. for example, first to be informed but now after so long no longer unknown, or vice versa, but the first to be informed now known, so it is not magical anymore. There is also an absolute magical that can not be known to man as long as they exist on this earth, or not be able to figure it out at all, that is the nature of God.
Quran reveal so much about the occult. Quran reveal past events are no longer known by humans, because time has passed so long, and also reveal events in the future or the present are not yet known to man.
Supernatural events of the past are revealed by the
Quran, for example, events  Fir’aun that sunk in the sea and saved her body , or event Ashab al-kahfi (a group of youths who took refuge in the cave and slept for three hundred years more). and evidence of future events can be divided into two main parts.
Coverage unseen in the Quran
First, it has happened now after going to the Quran outlines, for example, preaching the Quran about impending victory of the Romans over the Persians at the age of about nine years before it happened.
Second, future events are not yet occurred, such as the arrival of an event "animal" who can speak before the Day of Judgment.

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And if the statute had fallen on top of them (the Day of Resurrection arrived), we remove it (kind of) reptile than the earth that will speak to them, "man actually were not sure of Our Signs." (Surah An-Naml [27] : 82).
Of course, future events that have not occurred, as reported in the paragraph above, can not be used as evidence of the miracle of the Quran from the aspect of the magical. Because, for those who do not believe, what is disclosed it may be said "that's not true." But events in the future that has been proven true, or past events that are not known to the public at the time of the decline of Al-Quran and distant future afterwards, later revealed the Koran, may be evidence that the information must have come not from man, but from God the All-Knowing.

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