Aceh History

All About Aceh

Aceh is an area that has a population with different types of tribes that have different cultures from one tribe to another tribe. Every community in Aceh since childhood has begun introduced with their local customs respectively, where each community hrus uphold specific cultures that exist only in their area.In Aceh is still a lot of myths that are still developing until now, which everyone tells these myths to their children and grandchildren so strange myths and can not be verified is growing rapidly in Aceh. 

Demand Myths Aceh word is an abbreviation of the nations first ever occupied Aceh namely (A: Arabic), (C: China), (E: Europe), and (H: Indies). These nations were once anchored in Aceh to implement the trade trip, or just as a transit point before heading to their destination. But many of those who chose to live in Aceh and married to give birth to their children in Aceh earth, which in the end many of the tribes in the world, which until now remain in Aceh. 

For example in lamno. There is where the Portuguese living in ancient times. Portuguese living in lamno until they give birth to their children that the Portuguese nation with a characteristic blue-eyed, which until now we can still find some of those blue-eyed, which is still living or from Lamno. 

Aceh also has a special title that is, "Serambi Mekkah". This is because many Arabs who formerly also trade in Aceh and they also spread Islam in Aceh, which until now the average population of Aceh are Muslims. Many of the figures are derived from the Arabic scholars who had come to Aceh to preach the religion of Islam, and many Acehnese people who went to Saudi to study the then they back to preach Islam in their own areas, namely in Aceh.

Aceh History

In the days of the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda power Meukuta Perkasa Alam, Aceh is a country that is very rich and prosperous. According to a French explorer who arrived in Aceh in the heyday of the era, the power of the west coast of Aceh achieve Minangkabau. Power Aceh also includes up to Silver. Sultanate of Aceh has a relationship with the kingdoms in the Western world in the 16th century, including the British, Ottoman, and the Netherlands.


Sultanate of Aceh involved prolonged power struggle since the beginning of the 16th century, first by the Portuguese, and since the 18th century with the United Kingdom (UK) and the Netherlands. At the end of the 18th century, Aceh was forced to hand over territory in Kedah and Penang in the Malay Peninsula to the United Kingdom. 

In 1824, the Anglo-Dutch Agreement was signed, in which Britain handed over to the Dutch territory in Sumatra. British parties claim that Aceh was their colony, although this is not true. In 1871, Britain allowed the Dutch to colonize Aceh, the possibility to prevent the French from gaining power in the region.

Sultanate of Aceh

Sultanate of Aceh is a continuation of the Sultanate of Samudera Pasai which was destroyed in the 14th century. Sultanate of Aceh is located in the north of the island of Sumatra, with the capital Kutaraja (Banda Aceh). In its long history it (1496 - 1903), Aceh has carved his past with so magnificent and amazing, especially because of its ability to develop a pattern and a system of military education, his commitment against European imperialism, a system of regular and systematic government, realizing the center- science assessment center, to its ability to establish diplomatic relations with other countries. Sultan of Aceh is the ruler / king of the Sultanate of Aceh, not only the sultan, in Aceh are queens (female sultan).

Genealogy king kingdom kings and governors Aceh Darussalam 

1. Alaidin sultan ali Shah Mughayat 916-936 H (1511-1530 AD)

2. Sultan Salahuddin 939-945 H (1530 - 1539M)

3. Alaidin Riayat sultan Shah II, known as the AL Qahhar 945-979 H (1539 - 1571M)

4. Sultan Husain Shah Alaidin Riayat III, 979-987 H (1571-1579 AD)

5. The young sultan bin Husain Shah, age 7 months, to be king for 28 days

6. sultan mughal nature series pariaman Shah, 987 H (1579M) for 20 days

7. Sultan Zainal Abidin, 987-988 H (1579-1580 AD)

8. aialidin mansyur Sultan Shah, 989 -995H (1581 -1587M)

9. sultan mugyat flunky, 995-997 H (1587 - 1589M)

10. Shah Sultan Alaidin Riayat IV, 997-1011 H (1589 - 1604M)

11. The young sultan ali Shah V Riayat 1011-1015 H (1604 - 1607M)

12. Sultan Iskandar Muda dharma nature mighty Shah dynasty in 1016 - 1045H (1607 - 1636M)

13. Sultan Iskandar Shah Mughayat sani, 1045-1050 H (1636 - 1641M)

14. Sultana queen sri natural Tajul Safiatuddin Gupta sovereign, 1050-1086H (1641 - 1671M)

15. Sultana queen sri natural nurul naqiatuddin (Safiatuddin adopted child), 1086-1088 H (1675-1678 AD)

16. Sultana sri zakiatuddin queen Inayat Shah (daughter of naqiatuddin) 1088-1098 H (1678 - 1688M)

17. Sultana sri kemalat rightful queen (Safiatuddin adopted children) from 1098 to 1109 H (1688 - 1699M)

18. sharif sultan natural Badrul hasyim Jamalul Lail 1110-1113 H (1699 - 1702M)

19. Natural mighty sultan sharif sharif lamtoi bin Ibrahim. 1113 - 1115H (1702 -1703 AD)

20. Sultan Jamalul nature Badrul Munir bin sharif hasyim 1115-1139 H (1703 - 1726M)

21. sultan natural jauharul Imad, 1139H (1729M)

22. sultan natural syamsul wandi teubeueng

23. Sultan Ahmad Shah Alaidin maharaja lila 1139 - 1147H (1727 - 1735H)

24. Sultan Shah Johan Alaidin 1147-1174 (1735-1760M)

25. Shah sultan mahmud Alaidin 1174 -1195 H (1760 - 1781M)

26. Sultan Muhammad Shah Alaidin 1195 -1209 H (1781 - 1795M)

27. Sultan Husain Alaidin jauharul alamsyah, 1209 -1238 H (1795-1823M)

28. Sultan Muhammad Daud Shah Alaidin 1238-1251 H (1823 - 1836M)

29. Solomon Sultan Iskandar Shah Ali Alaidin 1251-1286 H (1836-1870 AD)

30. Shah sultan mahmud Alaidin 1286-1290 H (1870 - 1874M)

31. Sultan Muhammad Daud Shah Alaidin, 1290 -..... H (1884 -1903 AD)

Alaiddin sultan Muhammad Daud Shah was the last sultan of the empireAceh Darussalam, he struggled and guerrilla for 29 years andhe never handed over to the country's sovereigntydutch.

in 1903 he was arrested by the Dutch and exiled to Ambon,Maluku and finally moved to Java. He died in jakarta in1939.
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