Tortoise 109-year-old finally returned home owners after one year disappeared without a word

Tortoise 109-year-old finally returned home owners after one year disappeared without a word. The owner, Wendy Stokes 74 years old. Wendy actually been thinking that there is no hope of finding her beloved turtle was aged 109, since her beloved turtle escaped from her garden in the city West Hougham.

After 11 months of running away from home, Wendy finally reunited with Toby, turtles favorite was 109 years old, and knowing little bit about hes pet's adventure story. Toby turned out blurry when Wendy forgot to close the door of her garden fence and her turtles then walk out to the highway. Luckily, the driver saw the tortoise and rescue it.

The driver then took Toby to an animal rescue center and six months ago where it gives Toby to couples in Margate city which is only 35 miles from Wendy's house.

However, a new family of Toby see "Stokes" written on tortoise shell and then try to find the owner toby. Patiently, the new owner Toby calling all people named Stokes in the surrounding area of ​​Kent, England, before finally finding Wendy were very happy to hear where Toby.

Finally, after 11 months of separation, Wendy reunited with Toby on Sunday last week. "I paint my name and my phone number on the shell of Toby. However, the paint was faded and when Toby lost, those who find it difficult to read my phone number, "said Wendy.

Those who find Toby only could read something about the name Stokes, but did not read my phone number, "said the old woman itu. Wendy also said, she was very sad when we lose Toby and try to look for a few weeks around the house and garden, but it nonsense.

"I am very happy to find Toby back and I think everyone involved to look for it," said Wendy who already maintain and take care for Toby since the end of 1980, and it turtle was a gift that is given to Wendy by her late aunt.
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