Seudati, Acehnese dance worldwide

The name 'Seudati' comes from the root word Syahadatain meaningful creed or confession, testimony of two cases. In the Islamic religion, creed is someone who recognizes the pledge or give witness of faith and leadership. The announcer Islam on earth Veranda of Mecca use of religious dance as a method for distributing the divine message. There are also saying that the word is derived from the word seurasi Seudati which means harmony or compact.
Seudati been developed since Islam entered into opinion, Seudati emerged in the early development of the village Gigieng, Simpang Tiga, Pidie under the guidance of Sheikh Tam and also in the village Didoh guided by Sheikh Ali Didoh. No wonder this dance is more popular in the area of ​​Pidie, North Aceh and East Aceh.

Seudati danced by eight men as a principal dancer, consisting of one leader called sheikh, sheikh of the assistants, two assistants on the left is called apeetwie, the man behind the maid called apeet
bak, and three assistants usual. In addition, there are two singers as a dance accompanist called aneuk syahi.

This kind of dance do not use musical instruments, but only brought some movements, such as clapping hands to the chest and hips, stomping on the ground and the passage of a finger. The movement to the rhythm and tempo of the song is sung. Bebarapa the movement is quite dynamic and agile vigorously. However, there are some movements that seem rigid, but actually showed courage and valor of the dancers. In addition, the clapping of hands to the chest and abdomen impressive vanity once a knight.

Cloth of  Seudati dance consists of trousers and long-sleeved T-shirt tight, both white; songket cloth wrapped around the extent of the thighs and waist; rencong inserted at the waist; tangkulok (headband) tied red in the head; and a colored handkerchief. Uniform fashion is only for the main players, while aneuk syahi do not have to dress uniform. The most important parts in the dance Seudati consists of likok (style; dance), saman (melody), rhythm agility, as well as the tale that tells the story of heroism, historical and religious themes.

In general, this dance was exhibited on the stage and is divided into several rounds, among others: The first half, beginning with saleum (greetings) spoken introductions by aneuk syahi only, namely:

Assalamualaikum Lon tamong lam seung,
Lon jak saleum bri ...
keu bang syeikh teuku.

Syahi aneuk function to accompany a whole series of dance. The first greeting rewarded by Sheikh with style (tone) different:

kru seumangat tamong lon lam seung,
lon jak
bri saleum keu jamee teuku....

Poem above was repeated by both apeetwie and apeet tub. In this introductory chapter, eight dancers just twisting his body in a graceful movement, pat his chest and eight finger flick that follows the motion rhythm of the song. The new smart motion seen when entering the next round. When staging is a match, then after this first group completed the first round, will be followed by a second group with different techniques..

Typically, the first group will come down from the stage. The second half, starting with
saman tub, the entire principal dancer standing by making a circle in the middle of the stage in order to match the sound and determine likok what will be played. Sheikh was in the middle of the circle. This circular shape symbolizes that the people of Aceh always muepakat (deliberation) in taking any decision. Muepakat it, if it is associated with the context of this dance, is consulted to determine the summons or likok to be played.
In the likok displayed uniformity of motion, agility and dexterity to play in accordance with the chanting songs sung aneuk syahi. Likok chant begins with:

Iiiiii He was ne ya ilalah .... (Slow and fast)

The entire main dancers will follow the rhythm of the songs performed quickly or slowly depending on the chant sung by the syahi aneuk. Another phase is the phase saman. In this phase a variety of poems and rhymes delivered and heard shouted to each other between aneuk syahi and sheikh, followed by all the dancers. When the sheikh who say:

walahuet seuneut apet ee kataheee, hai syam,
then anek syahi be replied with an answer
lom ka dicong bak iboih, anuek puyeh ngon cicem subang.
To relieve boredom audience, each half closed with lanie formation, ie to improve the formation previously been irregular.
This article is excerpted from various sources related. Including an interview with one of the dancers langung leading Seudati in Aceh, Sheikh La Geunta.

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