jade, precious stones from Aceh

Jade, precious stones whose name was popular in Aceh since the middle of last year which is based on the recognition of the community, was first discovered because of a power plant project in Nagan Raya. which at the time of the construction of many large boulders mebutuhkan to be used in its construction. and the rocks are imported from the mountains in the border area Nagan Raya and Aceh Tengah.

One day when the stones were unloaded from the car, without the planned one of the big rocks split and crushed and then display the hidden beauty in it. beauty very interesting people to be able to have it, because the rock contains a high level of crystals that look very shiny.

After the emergence of this, many people who came to hunt precious stone is not only in the region of origin, Nagan Raya, but also in some other areas in Aceh. and in every region has a unique rock types and varieties of its own with color and uniqueness of each. just as for example in the area of ​​Pidie, precisely in the area of ​​mountain jade Geumpang there are many types of "Leatherback" with a characteristic yellow color. and so did the typical jade Aceh Jaya, called "chrysolite honey" which are reddish brown. but an area that has many types of jade is Nagan Raya region, namely "jade diesel", "jade jasper", "jade bio-diesel" and others.
jade charm was widened to other major cities in Aceh, until the holding of a contest "jade", which in the contest we can see hundreds of types of jade from all over the country who has a style and excellence and luster characteristic of each.

But currently jade sparkle in Aceh began to fade, the seller sells stone that was once rife in overhang the sidewalk was now as vanished. except in a few special places have been provided for the true rock penggema order to enjoy the hobby in mengiloksi this precious stone.

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