Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, the most beautiful mosques in Aceh

The first place is Baiturrahman mosque, Masjid Baiturrahman Banda Aceh, a mosque which has its own history sheet, which is now the State Mosque located in the heart of the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Name Baiturrahman Grand Mosque is derived from the name of the Great Mosque built by Sultan Iskandar Muda in the year 1022 AH / 1612 AD This highway is the first mosque built by the government of Sultan Iskandar Muda, but was burned down in the second Dutch military aggression in 1290 Shafar / April 1873 M, which in the event was killed Maj Khohler are then perpetuated a shooting at a small monument under the tree ketapan / Geulumpang near the north entrance of the mosque.

Four years after the mosque was burned Baiturrahman, in mid-Shafar 1294 H / March 1877 AD, by repeating the general promise Van Sweiten, then Governor-General Van Lansberge said it will rebuild the mosque Baiturrahman who had burned it. This statement was announced after deliberations held by the heads of State around Banda Aceh. Where disimpulakan that influence is very large mosque impression to the people of Aceh are 100% Muslim. The promise held by Major General Vander as military governor of Aceh at that time. And right on Thursday 13 Shawwal 1296 AH / October 9, 1879 M, placed the first stone represented by Tengku Adil Malikul Qadi. Mosque Baiturrahman is ready to be rebuilt in the year 1299 Hijri along with the dome just a course.

In 1935 AD, Mosque Baiturrahman expanded the right and left with the addition of two domes. And in 1975 AD the expansion back. This expansion increases again two domes and two towers north and south. With this second expansion Baiturrahman Mosque has five domes and dekerjakan completed in 1967 AD In order to welcome Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an (MTQ) National Level XII on 7 s / d June 14, 1981 in Banda Aceh, Masjid Raya embellished with the court, installation Klinkers over the streets in the yard Great Mosque. Improvements and additions wudhuk place of porcelain and installation Krawang doors, chandeliers, calligraphy-ayt verse of the Qur'an from brass, the dome and the installation is a fountain in the front yard pond.


Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, the most beautiful mosques in Aceh, and in 1991 AD, the days of Governor Ibrahim Hasan happened back extension that includes front and rear yard and the mosque itself. The expanded portion of the mosque, including the addition of two domes, part of the floor of the mosque where prayers, library, living room, office, hall and wudhuk place, and 6 local schools. While. expansion includes pages, parks and parking lots as well as the main towers and two minarets.


Judging from history, Mosque Baiturrahman has a high value for the people of Aceh, because since the Sultan Iskandar Muda until now still stands majestically in the heart of the city of Banda Aceh. The Grand Mosque has various functions in addition to prayer, which is a holding lectures, events religious events such as birthday of the prophet Muhammad, warning 1 Muharram, Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an (MTQ recently completed National Telkom-Telkomsel), a shelter for the city residents as well as migrants, one of the attractions Islami. 

When earthquake and tsunami (26 December 2004) which destroyed much of Aceh, this mosque survived without significant damage and many townspeople who survived here. District / neighborhood mosque was also used as the area of ​​Islamic law, so we should take care and do not marred by acts which harass mosque and violate Islamic law.
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